pra não esquecer…

maio 2nd, 2012

linux spoof process

Posted by Felipe Olivaes in xalassa


$0=”mkreiserfs /dev/sdhehehe”;

while(true) {

abril 18th, 2012

consulta de telefone

Posted by Felipe Olivaes in xalassa

dica do rafinha

março 29th, 2012

devel ios

Posted by Felipe Olivaes in xalassa

Filipe Cifali Stangler
meu colega que trabalha com iOS não recomendou nenhum e sim assistir essas aulas:
são de graça

março 26th, 2012


Posted by Felipe Olivaes in xalassa

# lista volumes fisicos

# lista volume groups (discos virtuais)

# lista discos criados nos volumes virtuais – logical volumes

# cria um disco de 1tb
lvcreate –name web-4 –size 1024G vg0

# lvscan – atualiza logical volumes

março 23rd, 2012

sw storage open source

Posted by Felipe Olivaes in xalassa

março 10th, 2012

esxi: matando vm por console / task presa

Posted by Felipe Olivaes in xalassa

@@ listando as máquinas e matando a VM
1) pegar o WORLDID da vm
esxcli vms vm list

2) matando por nível de desespero =)
esxcli vms vm kill –world-id WORLDID –type soft
esxcli vms vm kill –world-id WORLDID –type hard
esxcli vms vm kill –world-id WORLDID –type kill

@@ matando taks

1) listando taks
vim-cmd vimsvc/task_list

2) matando-as, restando toda gerencia
/sbin/ restart
service mgmt-vmware restart
service vmware-vpxa restart

fevereiro 8th, 2012


Posted by Felipe Olivaes in xalassa

farmalizar é o ato de deixar compatível/configuravel através para farm, conceito servidor shirrin.

novembro 3rd, 2011

285 livros grátis sobre internet, redes sociais, comunicação, TICs, educação, SEO, jornalismo e cultura digital | TecnoArteNews

Posted by Felipe Olivaes in xalassa

Dica do bruno

novembro 3rd, 2011

linux ht, 2 proc, cpu affinit

Posted by Felipe Olivaes in xalassa

In linux Servers there is always difficulty in finding the server is multi-processor, multi-core or Hyperthreading is enabled or not.

Let’s check this, but first keep in mind the following points:

1) Physical ID = Number assigned to each Processor on MotherBoard

2) Sibling ID = Number of logical processor provided by each Physical Processor

3) Core ID = Number of core in the Physical Processor

Note: If core Id is equal to sibling ID it means there is no Hyperthreading

If sibling ID is double that of core ID it supports Hyperthreading

Command: cat /proc/cpuinfo

Case 1:

Single-processor, Single-core, HT

processor 0 1
physical id 0 0
siblings 2 2
core id 0 0
cpu cores 1 1

The cpu cores value is “1”, so this system uses single-core processors.
The cpu cores value does not match the siblings value, so this system has hyperthreading.
There is one physical id listed, so this is a single-processor, single-core system with hyperthreading.

Case 2:

Single-processor, Dual-core, non-HT

processor 0 1
physical id 0 0
siblings 2 2
core id 0 1
cpu cores 2 2

The cpu cores value is “2” so the system uses dual-core processors.
The cpu cores value matches the siblings value, so this system does not have hyperthreading.
There is one physical id listed, so this is a single-processor, dual-core system without hyperthreading.

Case 3:

Dual-processor, Dual-core, HT

processor 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
physical id 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
siblings 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
core id 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
cpu cores 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

The cpu cores value is “2” so this system uses dual-core processors.
The cpu cores value does not match the siblings value, so this system has hyperthreading.
There are two physical IDs listed, so this is a dual-processor, dual-core machine with hyperthreading

Case 4:

Dual-processor, Quad-core, non-HT

processor 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
physical id 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
siblings 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
core id 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3
cpu cores 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

The cpu cores value is “4”, so the system uses quad-core processors.
The cpu cores value matches the siblings value, so this system does not have hyperthreading.
There are two physical IDs listed, so this is a dual-processor, quad-core system without hyperthreading

Case 5:

Dual-processor, Quad-core, HT

processor 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
physical id 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
siblings 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
core id 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3
cpu cores 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

The cpu cores value is “4”, so the system uses quad-core processors.
The cpu cores value does not match the siblings value, so this system has hyperthreading.
There are two physical IDs listed, so this is a dual-processor, quad-core system with hyperthreading.

outubro 24th, 2011

wap – wireless so para routers –

Posted by Felipe Olivaes in xalassa

setembro 17th, 2011

Ser nerd é

Posted by Felipe Olivaes in xalassa



Ir para praia e levar todos cacarecos digitais e um servidor para estudar oracle rac

setembro 12th, 2011

Ringtones para nerds

Posted by Felipe Olivaes in xalassa

setembro 11th, 2011

77 milhoes

Posted by Felipe Olivaes in xalassa

setembro 11th, 2011

Galeria da fama de segurança do Google – Empresa

Posted by Felipe Olivaes in xalassa

setembro 9th, 2011

N2 king

Posted by Felipe Olivaes in xalassa


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