Business Process Management (BPM)
história é a seguinte: um cara, alterado, vinha em alta velocidade pela rua de um condomínio em Pinhais (PR), quando teve o carro danificado por uma lombada estrategicamente colocada no local. Revoltado, resolveu gritar, xingar porteiros e chamar moradores para a briga
install –firstdisk=usb-storage –overwritevmfs
install –firstdisk=usb-storage,hpsa,local –overwritevmfs
* Shut down the virtual ESX VM
* Click Edit Settings
* Click the Options tab
* Click Advanced / General / Configuration Parameters…
* Click Add Row
* For the Name/Value enter: monitor_control.restrict_backdoor / TRUE
ele chamou de /dev/null, mas está mais para /dev/rand heauhaeuhae
ação com os colaboradores da kinghost! =)
depois de usar algum tempo o thunderbird vai ficando cada vez mais lento…
ficava muito irritado, procurando alguma saída, mas nada funcionava.
Achei numa noite ThunderFix, ficou muiiiito mais rápido.
removendo uns .msf que ficam no profile.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Cloning virtual machine on vmware esx using vmware-cmd
Below are the steps:
1. List down all the virtual machines that you have
# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd -l
2. Shutdown the machine that you are going to clone. Let say the machine is server-1
# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/47971de9-34657d96-8ac4-001d09068c0c/server-1/server-1.vmx stop
3. Use hard stop if you cannot stop it using above command
# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/47971de9-34657d96-8ac4-001d09068c0c/server-1/server-1.vmx stop hard
4. Make sure the vm is shutdown by viewing the state
# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/47971de9-34657d96-8ac4-001d09068c0c/server-1/server-1.vmx getstate
5. Copy the whole directory
# cp /vmfs/volumes/47971de9-34657d96-8ac4-001d09068c0c/server-1/ /vmfs/volumes/47971de9-34657d96-8ac4-001d09068c0c/newserver/
6. Once done, rename all the files to new name
# rename server-1 newserver /vmfs/volumes/47971de9-34657d96-8ac4-001d09068c0c/newserver/*
7. Change all occurrence of “server-1” to “newserver” in .vmx, .vmdk and .vmxf
# cd /vmfs/volumes/47971de9-34657d96-8ac4-001d09068c0c/newserver/
# sed -i ‘s/server-1/newserver/g’ {newserver.vmdk,newserver.vmx,newserver.vmxf}
8. Edit newserver.vmx file and remove below lines
ethernet0.generatedAddress = “…..”
ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = “…..”
uuid.location = “…..”
uuid.bios = “…..”
9. Add below line to newserver.vmx
uuid.action = “keep”
10. Register your newly cloned virtual machine. Please use the full path to register as below
# vmware-cmd -s register /vmfs/volumes/47971de9-34657d96-8ac4-001d09068c0c/newserver/newserver.vmx
11. Start your new vm after registration.
# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/47971de9-34657d96-8ac4-001d09068c0c/newserver/newserver.vmx start
“The Suricata Engine is an Open Source Next Generation Intrusion Detection and Prevention Engine”
PArece interessante a ferramenta:
Pelo que vi faz coisas como detecção de rootkit, bloqueio de webscanners, bloqueio contra tentativas de intrusao repetitivas, logs de alterações de arquivos, etc.
smartctl –all /dev/sda